Help psychologist "Psychological education and assistance" in Kiev. Sign up for a promotion.
Psychologist in the organization "Psychological education and assistance" in Kiev. Sign up for a promotion.
Help psychologist "Psychological education and assistance" in Kiev. Sign up for a promotion.

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About company Psychological help

«Psychological help» is a professional environment for the exchange of experience and training in the field of psychoanalysis, psychology and the humanities. Courses, trainings, lectures, seminars are regularly held here, which provide an opportunity to effectively master new knowledge and practice acquired skills among colleagues and specialists.

Community psychologists and psychoanalysts will help find solutions to difficult life situations. Consultations are held in the format of personal meetings or online. Specialists will help everyone understand their thoughts, fears and experiences and teach them to be happy.


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«Psychological help» - will teach you to be happy

Happiness, like peace, balance, stability, needs to be learned. Persistently go step by step to create a healthy background around you. The community «Psychological help» will help in this difficult way.

The center was founded by a practicing psychologist Vadim Muzychenko for consultations and training. The organization brings together specialists in the social and human sciences who strive for development in this area. The community provides many trainings for anyone who wants to study mental and psychological health issues.

The authors and presenters of the training courses are experienced psychologists, motivational speakers, psychoanalysts. They not only help to master new practices, but also conduct consultations themselves on an ongoing basis. So they pass on their skills and help in solving difficult life situations.

Consultations of specialists of the community «Psychological help»

Personal or Skype consultations of the psychologists of the center will be useful for people who are looking for support in solving difficult situations. Community specialists are ready to advise you on any psychological issues. Of course, it is very difficult to decide to ask for help. In our country, there is a rather unformed attitude towards mental health. But in many cases, it is psychoanalysts who are able to bring a person out of a protracted depression, help to understand their thoughts, fears and experiences, and teach them to be happy.

Members of the community «Psychological help» will help you in solving many issues:

  • phobias;
  • constant stress;
  • relationships with others;
  • mental problems;
  • depression;
  • conflicts in the family or at work;
  • anxiety, panic attacks;
  • enuresis;
  • encopresis;
  • psychoses.

Author's training programs of the community «Psychological help»

The community is engaged not only in the provision of advice, but also in training. It organizes trainings and platforms for the exchange of experience for professional psychologists, philosophers, psychoanalysts and representatives of various humanities. Various classes will help specialists expand their knowledge in certain areas and discuss controversial issues among colleagues. Both for beginners and for successfully practicing psychologists are organized:

  • professional courses;
  • lectures;
  • seminars;
  • practical trainings.

Not only specialists can receive training from the Psychological Assistance community. Anyone interested can study the following questions:

  • fundamentals of psychology and psychoanalysis;
  • introspection and training skills;
  • theory and practice of psychoanalysis.

Professionals of the community «Psychological help»

The center employs specialists with extensive experience. The founder of the organization is Vadim Muzychenko. He is the author and presenter of advanced training courses for psychologists and psychoanalysts. For many years now, he has been advising children from 2.5 years old and adults on overcoming phobias and crises, learning to manage emotions and the body, filling life with joy and happiness. Vadim Muzychenko received a master's degree in one of the leading French universities - Sophia Antipolis.

Consultations and training in the «Psychological help» community are also provided by a personal growth coach, motivational speaker Victoria Oleneva.

You can understand others only when you understand yourself, your actions and actions. Training and consultations by members of the Psychological Assistance community will teach you how to create a healthy psychological background around you. And for specialists in this field, such classes will provide an opportunity to expand their own knowledge in the field of psychoanalysis. Professional advice and effective training from members of the Psychological Assistance community will teach you how to be happy.